As a pagan and a practicing herbalist I want to share the uses of herbs in both magic and everyday life. Each day I'll discuss a herb of the day.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pennyroyal - mentha pulegium

"Sit and drink pennyroyal tea
Distill the life thats inside of me"
Nirvana, "Pennyroyal Tea"

A highly aromatic member of the mint family, pennyroyal is more pungent than the other mints.

Pennyroyal tea is an old fashioned remedy for amenorrhea. It should be used with care though for in large doses it is an abortificant. Pennyroyal oil should never be ingested.

Pennyroyal is also an efficient insect repellant.

Magical Properties:

For strength, peace, cleanses and protects. Brings harmony and is helpful in times of domestic unrest. Placed in the shoe is beleived to prevent weariness during travel and strengthens the body in general. As a ‘Herb of Peace’, aids in all types of tense situations, from business to personal negotiations. Kept in a bowl can bring peace to the household, or cease fighting between couples. Seamen scattered Pennyroyal on rough seas to calm them. You can carry Pennyroyal on board ships to prevent seasickness. Offers protection when worn or carried. Pennyroyal was used to bathe the body of dead to ensure peaceful transition to the next journey.
Correspondances: Masculine, Mars, Venus, Fire, Sacred to Demeter


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